Aspire Academy Trust

Internet Safety

As required for modern times, the Aspire Academy Trust takes internet safety very seriously.

We encourage all families to carefully consider this difficult area; to make sensible choices with regards the content, and contact, that their children access through internet-connected devices.

We fully appreciate that this topic can feel like a minefield to navigate, both in keeping up with your child's IT skills, and deciding what is and isn't appropriate for them. In order to stay as digitally safe and informed as possible, we've put together a list of regularly updated guidance, links and downloads that we believe school communities will find vitally useful.

General Information

Screentime boundaries

Parent Guide to age ratings

Parental controls

Top Tips for new devices

Online safety issues including cyberbullying

Conversation starters

Online Safety Guide 0-5 years

Online Safety Guide 6-10 years

When you see something scary online

Social media 

Age minimums for Social Media

IMPORTANT: Primary aged children should NOT have access to social media platforms. 

These platforms carry inherant dangers for young, inexperienced and vulnerable users.

The usage agreements for all social media platforms state 13 years of age as a minimum, sometimes higher.

Video Streaming

Parent Guide to YouTube

Parent Guide to YouTube Kids

Parent Guide to Streaming


Parent Guide to gaming age ratings

Parent Guide to Minecraft

Parent Guide to Roblox

eSafety organisations providing useful guidance


Commonsense Media

Internet Matters

NSPCC Online Safety


UK Safer Internet Centre

Aspire Policies

Aspire Digital Safeguarding Policy

Aspire Internet Safety Core Principles

Aspire Social Media Policy

Parent Guidance for online sexual harassment & keeping children safe online

The Children’s Commissioner has launched a guide for parents/carers on online sexual harrassment and how they can support children to stay safe online. 

“The things I wish my parents had known” draws together advice from 16 to 21 year olds on how parents should manage tricky conversations around sexual harassment and access to inappropriate content, including pornography.

A surprising but overriding message from young people is that parents should start these challenging conversations early. They suggest broaching topics before a child is given a phone or a social media account, which is often around the age of 9 or 10.

It is hoped this guide will serve as a useful starting point to raise awareness and understanding of online harassment, and to complement key messages on the new relationships and sex education curriculum.  Please click on the link below:

Talking to your child about online sexual harassment: A guide for parents

Page updated July 2024
Aspire website - eSafety team work by Aspire Academy Trust